

To obtain the F.I.Raft. Guide License, foreign guides must fill out the application form, enclose all the required documents and the International Mobility form signed and printed from the respective National Federation.

On the basis of the documents provided, the recognition system works in the following ways:

  • to be allowed to practice only on rivers of class II, the conversion of a WRF River Guide qualification will be obtained after passing a theory educational programme and submitting a final project work in Italian; after submitting this application form, the Secretariat will mail you the credentials to access the online course (https://firaft.moodlecloud.com/login/index.php);
  • to be allowed to practice on rivers of class III or above, a conversion exam has to be passed; the training calendar is published on formazione/corsi-ed-esami.html. Additional information is available at the page “Informazioni pratiche”.

In case of failure of the conversion process or in case of no sub-mission of the administrative or educational documents requested by the Federal Secretariat, the foreign qualification will not recognised and the River Guide will not be authorized to practice. 

During the test, the official language is Italian. The applicant is required to give proper commands as well as clear instruction to the crew if emergency situation occurs. It will have moreover to be introduced a briefing in Italian language, under penalty of not being admitted to the practical tests.

The foreign guide must know all the technical and safety rules & regulations of the F.I.Raft Regolamento Tecnico.


Participation fees are indicated on this page of the federal website. The full payment has to be made before 15 days before the test.

The application form completed with all the required documents, should be sent by mail  to segreteria@federrafting.it